Saturday 11 April 2020

Easter Miracle


Yes, Virginia, there is an Easter miracle! A great many of them, in fact, although, sadly, the disappearance of the coronavirus on this Easter weekend will not be one of them.

However, the appearance of the coronavirus has produced many small miracles. When you phone people these days, you don’t get their answering machine. They answer, in person! That’s because almost all of us are always at home now, following the directions of our Provincial Health Officer. And mostly we are not complaining about it but instead are taking this opportunity to paint home offices, build bookcases, bake bread, learn to knit, enrol in online French courses. A lot of home enhancement and a great deal of learning is taking place.

Great creativity is being unleashed right now.  People who had never thought of doing so are painting and writing. Many entertaining home videos are being circulated which are engaging families and amusing viewers, e.g. (you can skid the ads.)

My brother passed on a YouTube clip of Colin Talbot, Professor Emeritus of Political Science and Public Administration, University of Manchester, interviewing three Canadian experts about Canada’s response to the coronavirus -- – which refers to a remarkable degree of collaboration within government and between federal and provincial governments in Canada. Not long ago, that would have seemed nothing short of miraculous.

The oceans are cleaner and the air is clearer; we are reducing our carbon footprint at an unprecedented rate. Who knew that it would take only a global pandemic to show us that we can actually do something about climate change?

Of course, we have to find ways of balancing the environment and the economy, but it’s possible that we could do many things differently. For years some economists and social workers proposed Basic Income as a means of covering minimal costs of living but such proposals have been rejected as being impossible to put in place. The loss of jobs as a result of the pandemic has caused governments in Canada and elsewhere to implement initiatives similar to the Basic Income approach, proving that, where there is a will, there is a way. Maybe some of these small miracles might continue after the virus has been defeated.

We are encouraged, day by day, by the increasing greenery in our world as spring arrives. On the west coast, daffodils, forsythia, camellias and rhododendrons are bursting into bloom each day. Nature is showing us renewal and resilience.

Here in my locked-down townhouse, I have my own small miracle. The Christmas cactus that so delighted me with its timely blooms in December has decided to blossom anew for Easter.

Miracles do happen. Happy holidays!


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